The Great Interview Question You Should Ask Yourself
I sat across the desk from the senior partner and chair of the real estate department at one of the largest law firms in the country as my interview drew to a close. Our conversation had gone well so far, and I was cautiously optimistic about my chances of receiving...
The #1 Obstacle To Your Success – A Tragic Story
Do you ever have those days when you feel that no matter what you do, nothing seems to go your way? Like all the obstacles in the world have miraculously lined up squarely between you and your goals and dreams? There are so many possible roadblocks that can pop up...
Who Really Controls Your Career As A Lawyer?
Do you take full responsibility for the results you get in your life and your career as a lawyer? Before you answer with an automatic and resounding “Yes!” think about it. Have you ever uttered the following excuse (or something close to it)?: If it weren’t for the...
Are You A Great Lawyer? Or An Imposter?
If they only knew . . . Have you ever asked yourself “what gives me the right to be here?” Are you a law firm partner who sometimes wonders why they ever elected you? Or in-house counsel who worries that the business people are finally going to figure out that you...
The Real Reason Your Client Went To A Competitor
Have you ever experienced the disappointment of a client leaving your practice only to hire someone else to do a job you know you can do (and maybe do even better)? If you felt abandoned or were left with a bad taste in your mouth, it’s certainly understandable. But...
The Line Item Successful Lawyers Have In The Budget
Multiple Choice Question: How much time and money have you allocated for your professional development budget this year? (a) I pay for mandatory CLE. That's what you mean, right? (b) I went to law school. That's all the professional development training I need....
Using Speaking as a Strategy to Attract Clients? Ask Yourself this Question
One of the best ways to establish yourself as a leading authority in your area of practice is to consistently speak for groups. Standing in front of a group and sharing interesting content can establish you as an expert and a reliable resource for prospective...
7 Networking Mistakes That May Be Losing You Clients
You know that networking, whether formal or informal, is one of the very best ways to develop relationships that will lead to a full practice but are you sure you are doing it as effectively as you could be? Check out this list of 7 common networking mistakes you may...
Branding for Lawyers: Does it Help or is it Hype?
Have you watched any TV lately? Driven past a billboard? Turned on your laptop, tablet or smartphone? Unless you are living off the land Survivor-style, you are almost constantly being bombarded with marketing messages from consumer products companies who sell things...
Why Top of Mind Awareness Matters for Lawyers
The next time one of your contacts, prospects or former clients need a lawyer, who is she going to call? Will it be you? Maybe not. Even if you are the most skillful, experienced, knowledgeable and charismatic lawyer out there, you may not be the one who wins the...
Want More Clients? Stop Hanging Out With Other Lawyers
Theresa, a client of mine, has been a partner at one of the largest and most prestigious law firms in her state and has been in practice for almost 35 years. She is well-respected for her legal expertise, devotion to clients and the firm, and tenacious work ethic. In...
Part 4 of Get Yourself a Sponsor — How to Approach A Potential Sponsor
This is the fourth and final article in a series about how a sponsor can help you get what you want from your career or practice. If you have been following along with the Get Yourself a Sponsor series, you now know: The differences between mentors and sponsors (Part...