David Schnurman | How To Be More Fearless and Focused To Accelerate Your Success

David SchnurmanDavid Schnurman is the CEO of Lawline, the leading provider of online Continuing Legal Education (CLE) in the country. He’s also an author, speaker, and the past President of Entrepreneurs’ Organization New York.

David authored the book The Fast Forward Mindset: How to Be Fearless & Focused to Accelerate Your Success, which shares the simple formula to break through walls and fast forward your entrepreneurial success and happiness. Recently, David gave a TEDxYouth talk to inspire high school students to reach their full potential in life.

Additionally, David frequently speaks on topics ranging from entrepreneurship, mindset, leadership, and culture. He’s published articles in Forbes and has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Inc. Magazine, the New York Post, and Law.com, among many other outlets.

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • David Schnurman shares what he’s currently working on at Lawline and looks back on the early days of the company
  • Why David says “teaching is the best form of earning”
  • The two big tips David learned from his speaking coach
  • How can you realign your mindset and take action?
  • The challenges David had while growing and scaling the business
  • How David’s leadership team formed — and what the future of Lawline looks like
  • The power of supplementing courses with coaching
  • Shoshin: having a beginner’s mindset no matter where you are

In this episode…

It’s easy to look at someone and believe that they’re fearless. However, David Schnurman reminds us that when you go a layer deeper, you notice that everyone has fears (even if they seem fearless on the outside).

Our circumstances may not be the same, but we’ve all gone through challenges in order to grow, and we’ve all faced fear along the way. But David says you can work through your fears by removing labels from a situation. When you label a situation as good or bad, you often become paralyzed by fear. But when you avoid labels, you can take action knowing that whatever the outcome is, it’s not good or bad — it’s just one step in your path to success.

In this episode of The Lawyer’s Edge Podcast, Elise Holtzman talks with David Schnurman, CEO of Lawline, about strategies to overcome fears, focus on your goals, and accelerate your journey to success. David discusses the challenges he faced while scaling his business, how coaching can greatly impact your journey, and why it’s important to always have a beginner’s mindset.

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Today’s episode is brought to you by the coaching team at The Lawyer’s Edge, a training and coaching firm which has been focused exclusively on lawyers and law firms since 2008.

Each member of The Lawyer’s Edge coaching team is a trained, certified, and experienced professional coach AND either a former practicing attorney or a former law firm marketing and business development professional.

Whatever your professional objectives, our coaches can help you achieve your goals more quickly, more easily, and with significantly less stress.

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