Dr. Larry Richard | The “Lawyer Personality” and Becoming a Happier Lawyer

larry-richardDr. Larry Richard is the founder and principal consultant for LawyerBrain LLC, a consulting firm that specializes in improving lawyer performance through personality science. With LawyerBrain, Larry focuses on building and fostering lawyer resilience, leadership development, change management, and other people-related issues when it comes to managing lawyers.

After practicing law as a trial attorney for ten years, Larry earned his Ph.D. in Psychology from Temple University. Larry is now recognized as the leading expert on the psychology of lawyer behavior.


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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • How Dr. Larry Richard came up with the idea for LawyerBrain
  • Larry explains how lawyers differ from the general population, based on his study of over 3,000 lawyers’ Myers-Briggs types
  • The best predictor of job satisfaction: Does your personal career identity fit with the type of work you’re doing?
  • Why you need to be skeptical when wearing your lawyer hat and trusting when wearing your leader hat
  • Larry explains why law, as a profession, is playing catch up behind other industries
  • The importance of social proof and role modeling when teaching lawyers
  • The three most common inquiries that Larry receives, and how to solve them on an individual level
  • Where to learn more about Dr. Larry Richard and LawyerBrain LLC

In this episode…

Finding the right fit for your career can be difficult. On one hand, you want to choose the career path that lives up to the old adage: if you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life. On the other hand, there is the ever-present doubt: does your perfect job really exist?

If you’re a lawyer struggling with these concerns, expert psychologist Dr. Larry Richard may be able to help. He has gathered personality data on thousands of lawyers in order to better understand who is fit for a career in law, and what makes them tick. With his management consulting firm, LawyerBrain LLC, Larry now helps law firms and practices solve their people issues and develop better lawyers.

In this week’s episode of The Lawyer’s Edge, host Elise Holtzman sits down with Dr. Larry Richard, founder and principal consultant of LawyerBrain LLC, to talk about the personality science behind happy and effective lawyers. Join the conversation as they discuss the personality type that is most common amongst lawyers, as well as the importance of aligning your career identity with the work that you do.

Resources Mentioned in this episode

Sponsor for this episode…

This episode is brought to you by The Lawyer’s Edge, a firm based in the New York metropolitan area founded by Elise Holtzman in 2008 to help lawyers become skilled business developers and leaders so that they can grow their practices, retain top talent, and step confidently into leadership roles.

The firm offers customized coaching, consulting, and training programs such as their signature business development program, Lawyers Making Rain.

Now more than ever, it’s not enough to just do good work and hope your law firm will thrive. And no matter how smart and hard-working you are, it can be time-consuming and overwhelming to figure it all out by yourself.

To learn more about how we help lawyers become rainmakers and leaders, visit TheLawyersEdge.com or email us at podcast@thelawyersedge.wpengine.com.

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