Erin Higgins | How To Inspire Attorneys To Stay at Your Firm

Erin HigginsErin Higgins is the Managing Partner at Conn Kavanaugh, a Boston-based law firm representing individuals, families, and organizations in litigation, tort defense, construction, estate planning, family law, and professional liability. In her role, she oversees the firm’s operations and manages the growth of its practice areas and professionals. As a civil trial lawyer with 30 years of experience, Erin represents lawyers, insurance agents and brokers, and other professionals in defending against errors and omissions claims.

Having served a four-year term on the Massachusetts Board of Bar Overseers, she advises and represents lawyers on ethical issues and disciplinary matters. Erin speaks routinely on professional liability and ethics topics and wrote a regular column on ethics for Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly. She also handles business litigation and insurance coverage issues and defends manufacturers against product liability claims. As an experienced appellate advocate, Erin has argued before the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, the Massachusetts Appeals Court, and the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit.

Erin understands the importance of reputation for lawyers and professionals and works on resolutions to protect that element. She is invested in her attorneys’ development and success and focuses on creating strategies to attract and retain talent for the firm.

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • Erin Higgins’ inspiration for remaining at Conn Kavanaugh and progressing in her role
  • Key legal industry trends and how they impact talent attraction and retention
  • How to align with attorney’s demands to create a culture that retains top legal talent
  • Advice for helping lawyers gain experience and grow in their roles
  • Erin talks about law firms’ DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) efforts
  • How law firms can identify and address mental health challenges
  • Preventing attorney attrition in a private practice

In this episode…

Many law firm leaders are concerned about lawyer attrition and wonder how to create an environment that promotes loyalty and career longevity. Loss of legal talent can impact a firm’s bottom line and negatively impact clients and other law firm team members. How can you adapt to a generational shift in lawyers’ needs and wants so you can attract and retain the best talent?

While most law firms rely on consistent, diligent attorneys working fixed hours, seasoned litigation partner Erin Higgins says you can provide accommodating hybrid work environments to mitigate attrition. She also maintains the value of building an intellectually stimulating culture that delivers purposeful services. This involves supporting associates’ professional development through outside training opportunities, mentoring, and sponsorship programs, encouraging them to pursue their passions. Establishing and managing expectations is also crucial to ensure lawyers can acquire experience through the appropriate channels.

In this episode of The Lawyer’s Edge Podcast, Elise Holtzman is joined by Erin Higgins, Managing Partner at Conn Kavanaugh, to discuss how to retain top associates at your firm. Erin explains the value of DEI efforts, how legal industry trends impact talent attraction and retention, and how to identify and address mental health challenges among attorneys.

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Today’s episode is brought to you by the Ignite Women’s Business Development Accelerator.

Ignite is an 8-month business development program created by women lawyers for women lawyers.

Ignite is not just a one-off seminar or a series of seminars. It’s a carefully designed business development program containing content coaching and a community of like-minded women who are committed to becoming rainmakers and supporting the retention and advancement of other women in the profession.

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