Kait LeDonne | Why and How To Build Your Personal Brand

Kait LeDonneKait LeDonne is a Personal Branding Expert and Keynote Speaker at Brandwise Media, where she helps companies and consultants scale their businesses by creating clear brand messaging, a refined image, and high-value packages to attract ideal clients. As a chief brand officer, she works with professionals to launch best-selling books, speaking careers, and high-ticket training businesses.

Kait is the author of The Attraction Magnet and is regularly featured in national and international publications as a commentator on celebrity and corporate brands. After leaving her corporate job to gain freedom and pursue a passion for personal branding, she became burned-out from constantly marketing herself through hours of networking events, writing countless proposals, and speaking for free.

Once she identified her ideal audience, honed her personal brand position and niche, and created a system to build a community of like-minded individuals, Kait recognized the value of personal branding. Since discovering her “why” for building a personal brand, Kait has been teaching other professionals how to launch, grow, and monetize their unique brands online through courses and training programs.

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • What is a personal brand, and how does it differ from professional brands?
  • The distinction between influencers and thought leaders
  • How lawyers can cultivate belonging among their audiences
  • Kait LeDonne shares the three core principles of personal branding
  • Maintaining client confidentiality in personal branding
  • Strategies for sharing personal anecdotes on LinkedIn
  • Actionable steps for building your personal brand

In this episode…

Some lawyers are apprehensive about personal branding, believing it’s an insincere publicity stunt that diverts them from providing clients with quality services. This is because personal branding is often mistaken for lifestyle branding, where influencers monetize themselves and their businesses. How can you build an authentic personal brand connecting you to your target audience?

As a personal branding champion, Kait LeDonne maintains that this form of thought leadership denotes an audience’s feelings when interacting with your company. Influencing these opinions requires fostering a sense of belonging by identifying a core problem and the emotions associated with this issue to build confidence and trust. Kait cites the three essential principles of personal branding that lawyers should consider. Your personal brand should focus on your audience rather than yourself. These brands exist to help your clients, so sharing personal anecdotes rather than positioning yourself as an expert is crucial. To minimize confusion, Kait advises niching down by focusing on a single audience, problem, and platform.

In today’s episode of The Lawyer’s Edge Podcast, Elise Holtzman chats with Kait LeDonne, the Personal Branding Expert behind Brandwise Media, about why and how lawyers should build a personal brand. Kait addresses maintaining client confidentiality when creating a personal brand, how to share personal stories on LinkedIn, and the difference between personal and professional branding.

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Today’s episode is brought to you by the Ignite Women’s Business Development Accelerator.

Ignite is an 8-month business development program created by women lawyers for women lawyers.

Ignite is not just a one-off seminar or a series of seminars. It’s a carefully designed business development program containing content coaching and a community of like-minded women who are committed to becoming rainmakers and supporting the retention and advancement of other women in the profession.

To learn more about Ignite, visit thelawyersedge.com/ignite.

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