Change Self-Doubt to Self-Confidence with Clues from the Past
Do you have the sneaking suspicion (or worse, the strong conviction) that you don’t have what it takes to succeed? One of the things that holds many people back from achieving their goals is the belief that they are somehow lacking in a particular skill or ability...
Opportunity Is Knocking. Will It Pass You By?
Do you sometimes wish things were different for you? That you made more money or had more power over your career? That you felt better about what you are doing or that your work had more meaning? Do you ever wish that someone would come along and show you what to do?...
5 Tips for Radiating Confidence (Even When You Don’t Feel It)
I recently conducted a survey in which I asked lawyers to let me know what professional and personal development topics they would be most interested in reading about. One of the issues that came up again and again was confidence, more specifically, how to increase...
Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude – 25 Quotes to Inspire You
Here in the United States, we are preparing to celebrate the national holiday of Thanksgiving. As in other countries and cultures where a holiday of thanksgiving is observed, it is customary to express gratitude for one’s blessings and good fortune. At times, it may...
The Rainmaking Principle Every Lawyer Needs to Hear
Are you a good lawyer? You probably are! You pride yourself on doing good work. You are diligent, careful, a skilled advocate and a caring adviser, all at the same time. You’re great at closing the deal, winning the case or getting the best possible settlement or...
5 Ways To Stop Self-Sabotage Now
Are you unsatisfied with your lot in life? Frustrated with your career or law practice? Sometimes you don’t get what you want because other people and outside circumstances get in the way. And sometimes . . . well . . . you get in your own way. How? By throwing...
How to Start Building (or Rebuilding) Your Professional Network
“Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.” Nido Qubein It is a well-established fact that having a strong professional network is a huge asset to any lawyer, whether you are looking for your next job or...
Part 2 of Craft Your 1-Minute Introduction – The #1 Question You Need To Answer
Think back to the last time you met new people at a business gathering, networking event or social function. How clearly do you remember those you met? Do you remember their names? Can you recall what they look like, what they do for a living, how they like to spend...
Part 1 of Craft Your 1-Minute Introduction – Stop Saying “I’m a Lawyer!”
Frequently Asked Question: What do you do? Frequent Response: I’m a lawyer. Thud. And, perhaps, yawn. Yes, of course, you are a lawyer. But when you answer the question with that one-word answer (or its close cousins, “I’m a litigator” or “I do M and A”) you lose a...
Want Success? Fire Your Friends
Do you know someone who is negative or cynical? Someone who complains, gossips, and blames others for his or her situation? Whatever you call these people – downers, kill-joys, energy vampires – your success as a lawyer depends on eliminating or limiting...
What Criminal Law Can Teach You About Success
Remember that Criminal Law class during your first year of law school? Your professor unwittingly laid out a simple model to help you get exactly what you want . . . Success, Criminal-Style Do you remember the two elements of a crime? You will probably recall that...
Time Management Doesn’t Work
What are you doing with your time? If you’re like most lawyers: You’re spending it, tracking it, billing it, prioritizing it, bemoaning it, and trying to wrest it into submission. You’re always on the lookout for time management techniques on the theory that there...